Thursday, July 12, 2012

Peanut Butter what?

        I know, the name. How on earth could I name my blog something like that?  Well as i was sitting here on my couch, in my pajamas trying to think of something witty and that would define me as a person this is the first thing that popped into my head.
       Now you know there is a story behind it or I would  be slightly insane to think " hmmmm what a great idea  for a blog" without a story. One day (at band camp) my mom was telling me something that had happened at work. Now my dad always says that im just the slightly meaner version of my mom.  She was telling me about how she was being educated on a proper snack for the kids she works with. With allergies always being a concern she was being told that it can't have peanut butter. This my mother knows. She has worked with children for over 15 years. So I then burst out with " yea, I was thinking of bringing them peanut butter bee sting sandwiches" I don't think we stopped laughing for 10 minutes.
        So as you can see this sarcastic yet light hearted statement sums me up perfectly. What better way to start out this revelation of the soul than with putting it all out there? I hope you are all ready because i certainly am.

The ever deadly peanut butter bees

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