Tuesday, July 24, 2012

My Advisary

The Wild Ginger!

               Some relationships are very supportive and loving and seem like they come right out of a movie...... and then there's mine. Don't get me wrong, we love each other and support each other but not in the traditional way. We make fun of each other, constantly. Not anything too mean. However, most people just don't get it.You usually dont hear couples calling each other dick bags lovingly. We will start our banter and people either think we are hysterical or annoying.

       Sometimes I believe our sole purpose in life is to annoy the crap out of each other. Even now as I type he is hovering, chirping in my ear while I am trying to gather my thoughts. ANNOYING. Then again I do enjoy laying in bed at night in the dark and saying "Redrum" in a hoarse whisper. Creeps him out.

           The point of explaining our mutual pestering is to help explain what happened last Friday. We had decided to see "Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter."  I smuggled in my bottle of water and was content........... or so I thought. Ryan decides to get popcorn, smothered in butter and a pop. He then asks me to hold the popcorn. Our theater was being cleaned when we arrived so we had to wait outside. I ended up literally swaying back and forth like a crazy person using all of my willpower to not eat the concentrated evil that was in my hand. Yes, you heard me correctly. Concentrated Evil!

                                                                                                         Concentrated Evil

           I Love popcorn! Especially dripping with butter. Well whatever liquid chemical that the movie theater calls butter. It is delicious. And if you can't finish it all stale movie theater popcorn is even better! So here I am looking like a lunatic because I want this popcorn but I refuse to eat it and lose any points for snacking. Ryan of course refuses to take the bag from me and thinks it's hysterical. I can see other movie goers watching me questioningly. Finally I just yelled at him and he took the bag. You will be glad to hear that I did not eat one little puffed kernel. Even when I yawned and he tried to throw a piece into my mouth. Potential choking hazard? Probably. But pretty damn funny.

       So this makes it sound like he wants me to fail. Let me explain. He wants me to succeed. He just wants to challenge me. Sometimes I'm ready to kill him for it. Then again, I work in the greatest grocery store on the planet. I could snack all day long on all kinds of bad things. Ryan coming home and placing donuts or a pizza box in front of me may challenge my will power but then when I'm at work the parade of savory, sugary, cheesey, and other descriptive words ending in Y that would no doubt expand my waistline food doesn't bother me.

         Now I know that is not his intention. He just wants to drive me nuts and laugh. It has kind of backfired though. It is now getting more and more difficult to get me rocking like I belong in a home. This will most certainly pour fuel on the fire to our little war. I wouldn't have it any other way. There are two quotes that instantly come to mind when I think of our relationship.

I Already Have It

      First is from "The Notebook"."Well, that's what we do. We fight. You tell me when I'm being an arrogant son of a bitch and I tell you when you're being a pain in the ass. Which you are 99% of the time. I'm not afraid to hurt your feelings. They have like a two second rebound rate and you're back doing the next pain-in-the-ass thing. So it's not gonna be easy. It's gonna be really hard. And we're gonna have to work at this every day, but I want to do that, because I want you. I want all of you, forever, you and me, every day"  Yup, that sums us up nicely. Actually we saw that movie in the theater ( we're movie people, can you tell?) and we were 16 and had broken up for reasons beyond our control and desperatley wanted to be together. We decided to say Fuck The World and be together anyway.
The other one is from Doctor Seuss.Just to the left there.We are weird. We talk about kiwi birds constantly and have a stuffed animal dog named Rufus that has a longer and more awesome back story than even Chuck Norris himself ( Impossible you say? Some day you will learn about Rufus). I say I hate you at least once a day. It actually means I love you but you are doing something to provoke me. He is a red head as you can see and I call him a Ginger and tell him that he suffers from a fatal case of gingervitis. He is actually a red headed step child and I love to remind him that being a ginger is a genetic mutation. Mean? Maybe, but the line that we have is different than other couples. We laugh more than most couples. They look on appalled as we bicker and aren't mad at all. It's all just a part of our mutual weirdness. <3

Our very first picture age 16

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